Road 2 Be The Goat

C studied it, practiced it. Through fatherhood, becoming a nurse, falling in love, standing without it. Failing more times than flying. C decided to feel all of it. Inside his suffering, silence was cultivated and mans heart was born. Beating loud. Beating freely. Legend led from love. His gift his music but his purpose is people. Music Is just the vessel in which the soul transcends. C’s gift is an energy giver, a source protecter. His music is the foundation, the journal of all of his lessons learned through suffering successfully. cadence created from his chaos. its just an entropy, an exchange of energy inside his music that makes you feel something. That builds connection and bonds an audience that can resonate with each other but more importantly C-Mill. He truly wants to learn and listen to his fans. What was their favorite part of his song? Because to him that’s insightful to their soul. perspective is important to him. There is no end goal, there is no top of the mountain. Only shifts in the ground that C will always be able to adapt to and maneuver through with grace and purpose. His mission? To elevate the minds of those who’s greatness is grieving. Spark the hearts of those in the dark. Whether it be from his music, or his passion for people, one thing is for certain. C-Mill is dreaming until he gets there and he’s not sleeping until he makes it, wherever it may be, it’ll be.

Collin Walker, or C-Mill is someone sparked. At a young age, the trauma he encountered felt deserving. He deemed his fear of inadequacy correct. But as often as he felt like he was supposed to give up, he couldn’t. His father left before he was born. Boo hoo, sad story. That was only the beginning of his legend.His mother began dating a man who became C-Mills step father. In the 12 years that pursued, C Endured mental, physical and spiritual abuse alongside his mother and 2 brothers. C always had a sparked spirit. Fighting for his mother. For his brothers. But he always lost. When the police finally came to take the devil away at 12, C decided he was done losing. During those years suffering ensued and boy was lost. No grasp on purpose or perspective. C began writing poetry at the age of 8 during those years and so he turned that into rapping as he got older. Tapped into it in the sense of coping. He was good at it. Freestlying his way through high school. C was given a gift without vision.  He knew how to rhyme every word in the dictionary 100 times over, but what was it all for? He wasn’t signed. It was taking too long. Boy was impatient. C went through college contining making music but always distracted by relationships. Trying to fill that void for love he Never felt. At age of 21 his daughter Ivy Rose was born and that love he never felt became a mountain he had to climb